244 Brazil Guariroba Floral Lot(Peaberry)

244 Brazil Guariroba Floral Lot(Peaberry)


Regular price 315.00 ฿

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Bean Type


Flavor Notes

Sweet lime, Lemongrass, Herbal, Ginger, Walnut, Oolong tea, Red currant, Silky, Smooth 


Farm: Fazenda Guariroba
Producer: Homero Paiva Aguiar, Gabriel Lamounier
Area: San Antonio, Campo das Ver ten tes
Altitude: 1,100m
Varietal: Pink Bourbon
Processing: Double Fermentation Black Honey

Roast Level

Light roast


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"Fazenda Guariroba"

The history of Fazenda Guariroba dates back to the 19th century when it was founded by Joao Ferreira Carneiro. Today, the farm’s passion and tradition for coffee production are carried on by the fifth-generation owner, Homero Aguiar Paiva. Specializing in specialty coffee production, the farm has recently been actively developing new processing methods and cultivation techniques. It’s recognized as one of Brazil’s top farms, having won the 2016 Cup of Excellence (COE), placed 8th in the 2018 Brazil Pulped Naturals competition, and earned the National Winner title in the 2019 COE.

Last year, Brazil faced significant challenges due to climate change. Higher-than-usual temperatures shortened the fruit maturation period, resulting in smaller cherries and a substantial drop in yield. The green beans were visibly smaller than in previous years. Additionally, the shortened maturation period caused harvest times to overlap, making it difficult for Gabriel and his team to experiment with the processing methods they wanted to try. If harvested cherries are left unattended, they begin to spoil, leading to a decline in quality. Prolonged fermentation times also tie up tanks for extended periods, reducing processing efficiency. It was a situation that demanded quick adaptation in response to the effects of climate change.

Even in such tough conditions, Gabriel and his team didn’t give up on their mission to create better-tasting coffee. With this coffee, they combined aerobic and anaerobic fermentation methods to bring out a more complex and vibrant flavor profile.


ROUTE AEROBIC is an innovative processing method developed exclusively by Fazenda Guariroba. In this method, aerobic microorganisms are introduced into a water-filled tank, and oxygen is injected through a valve at the bottom to promote fermentation over 72 hours. The microorganisms break down the sugars and organic compounds found in the mucilage, producing substances like carbon dioxide, heat (energy), and acetylpyrazine with the help of oxygen. This process creates a distinctly different flavor compared to anaerobic fermentation, resulting in a wine-like profile with bright, fruity acidity.

For the second stage of fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer’s yeast) is introduced for anaerobic fermentation. This further breaks down the sugars and compounds in the mucilage, converting them into alcohol, organic acids, amino acids, and a large amount of carbon dioxide. The combination and ratio of these compounds give rise to a unique flavor profile. After these two distinct fermentation processes, the coffee is carefully dried over a period of 40 days.

The roast profile was crafted as a light roast. Given that this year’s Brazilian beans were smaller than usual—similar to small Ethiopian beans—the profile was adjusted with that in mind. Instead of increasing the heat immediately after charging, the temperature was allowed to drop slightly before applying higher heat. This lot also consists entirely of peaberries (a single round seed per cherry rather than the usual two). Due to their round shape and higher volume-to-surface-area ratio, the development time after the first crack was extended to ensure even roasting all the way through.

The result is a coffee with a smooth, slightly viscous texture, fruity flavors, and a light, soft impression. As described on the website of Mirai Seeds, who handle this farm’s coffee information, this coffee offers a refreshing citrus note, spicy aroma, and nutty sweetness. These complex, vibrant flavors are wrapped in a smooth, slightly syrupy liquid. It’s light yet has a satisfying mouthfeel, which feels almost paradoxical. After about 10 days post-roast, the fruity flavors become even more pronounced.

This cup reflects the innovation of Fazenda Guariroba, born out of the challenging circumstances of climate change. Enjoy its unique yet gentle flavor profile!

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